LIFECO ASSOCIATES, INC. (“LIFECO”):  An Independent Life and Health Insurance Agency 

The following contains some examples of how different types of insurance may be used to satisfy one or more needs for coverage and represent an important component of one’s personal financial/estate and/or business plan.  Please note the below is not meant to be an all-exhaustive list; for example, a life insurance settlement, wherein one ‘sells’ his/her life insurance to an institutional investor, may yield considerably more value in certain circumstances relative to cashing in or lapsing a policy.


Life Insurance

  1. Financial protection – providing capital and an income stream for one’s dependents.
  2. Estate planning – providing liquidity in the event of federal and/or state estate (or inheritance) taxes.
  3. Business planning in the context of a buy/sell agreement – providing coverage to

Disability Income Insurance

  1. A monthly benefit for those who have no, or insufficient, group DI coverage in order to fund the living expenses of the insured and his or her family.  In particular, an individual DI policy for key executives or owners ensures maximum protection of one’s earnings, along with more fav

Long-Term Care Insurance

  1. Applied for directly by individuals, spouses, partners or family members to cover the costs associated with long-term care.  One or more discounts may be available depending upon one’s partnership/marital status, approval for multiple family members, etc.
  2. Applied for through

As an independent life and health insurance agency, LIFECO ASSOCIATES, INC. is available to assist you in securing the most suitable type(s) of insurance coverage(s) based upon your unique goals, facts and circumstances.  LIFECO has access to many carriers and seek to work with those which maintain strong financial ratings.  Our mission is to assist you in obtaining the necessary insurance, from the best available carrier, and at the most ideal pricing through our due diligence process.  We represent you, not the insurance carriers.  We look forward to reviewing your insurance needs and working with you in an advisory capacity to accomplish your objectives given the flexibility inherent with various forms of insurance.


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 for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.